Gary Halvorsen has guided many hundreds of patients through the intricate decision process for cancer treatment. He leads support groups for the newly diagnosed, serving Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and Winchester Hospital Center for Cancer Care, as well as BPCSG.
Gary was handpicked by leading research doctors to be a Consumer Advocate of the Boston area Special Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in prostate cancer, one of only 11 SPOREs nationwide.
In 2009, he received an award from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Kenneth B. Schwarz Cancer Center, through the support of an anonymous philanthropic gift. He was 1 of only 300 such awardees worldwide, and 1 of only 3 non-healthcare professional recipients. In 2013, he received the Chief of Staff of The United States Air Force Volunteer Excellence Award. In 2015, he received MGH’s The One Hundred for Volunteerism.
Gary served as a member of a Boston area prostate cancer walk, helping to raise over $2.9 million for prostate cancer research. He was a co-recipient with spouse, Fran, of the Charles Austin Award for outstanding volunteer efforts in prostate cancer. Established by the Massachusetts Prostate Cancer Coalition (MPCC) in 2006, the award honors Charles Austin — a prostate cancer survivor who raised much awareness about the disease, especially within the African American community.
Gary is a member of MPCC and has hosted public lectures through the Annual Symposium Planning Sub Committee. He is also a member of the International USToo Support Group Leaders of Zero Cancer.